NEW POLITICAL PARTY (Under Construction)

I think it would be fun to shake things up a bit by starting a new political party. Call it “The  Party of Logic And Honor” or “POLAN”.

It would recognize the wisdom of the U.S. Constitution and hold it dear.

It would not stray from rational thought into the realm of rationalizing.

It would require candidates to be vetted for their relevant qualifications, rather than their entertainment and controversy values.

Candidates would be required to comport themselves with decorum, not overs-peaking others, being drawn into personal arguments, yelling, being unkind during debates or on the stump. They will focus on educating the public to their proposed policies and agendas and refrain from pointing out the opposition’s failures and foibles. Those who don’t comply will be asked to join another party that allows misbehaviors.

It would rely solely on popular vote, rather than delegates and super delegates. The Vice Presidential candidate would be chosen by popular vote, rather than “picked” by the Presidential candidate.

All candidates would be chosen by primary results. No national convention required.

Let the other parties provide the entertainment while we provide the pertinent information.


Its platform would include, but not be limited to:

Individual’s freedoms and protections from any and all unconstitutional governmental decisions, overreach or reactionary legislation.



Freedom of speech: Employment terminations for speaking one’s mind ( while not “on the clock”) would be disallowed.

Responsible fiscal policies that balance budgets and limit spending according to federal requirements rather than wish lists.

Understand and implement policies reactive to ecological needs, putting business profits at a lower priority than environmental concerns.

Politicians would be held to the highest standard of honor in both public and private behaviors. Facing legal consequences for failing to do so.

Bring to light the ironies of the well intended, but reversely effective social policies that have been so damaging due to their lack of taking into consideration human nature.  In  other words, better judge the results of proposed legislation by studying history, rather than experimenting using society as a guinea pig. And changing what hasn’t worked or has backfired.

ALL campaign expenses paid for by campaign funds. This would be closely monitored regarding  things like incumbent candidates’ travel, entertainment, etc. No combining campaigning with official, government business.

Campaign funding reforms: Only individuals could donate. No business. No unions. No special interests groups. No charities. Period. Also, any foreign contributions or gifts to campaigns, candidates, incumbents or any of their private interests would be expressly prohibited.

Blatant lies and slander during campaigns would be criminally actionable.

Any criminal conviction of an elected public official would immediately oust them from office and permanently bar them from running for any public office again for life.

The President would not be able to pardon any convicted elected official or federal employee, Including himself/herself, members of their Cabinets or appointments.

I’m sure there’s more to add.


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