I have to laugh. Melania Trump delivered a speech this evening at the Republican National Convention. Part of the speech (perhaps one paragraph) appears to be nearly identical to a speech made by Michelle Obama eight years ago. Plagiarism. The liberal media is going wild.

I have no problem, at all, with the media reporting on the problem. The thing that makes me laugh is listening to these anti-Trump talking heads giving public advice to Trump on how to solve this problem and how to better run his campaign. They said he should publicly humiliate and fire the speechwriter, the speechwriter should “fall on the sword” and quit quickly (prior to Trump axing him/her), to protect the campaign. So much advice from people who don’t want Trump to win.

They go on to explain how poorly Trump’s campaign is organized. How he has no actual campaign manager and on and on. And more and more advice. Strange that Trump is neck in neck with Hillary in national polls when she outspends him so wildly and pretty much all he does is continuously put his foot in his mouth.

I can’t think of the last time I saw a prize fight coach from the opposite corner switching sides to give advice between rounds. It’s hilarious. Writers at Saturday Night Live couldn’t come up with anything better.


One thought on “MEDIA CIRCUS

  1. And here I thought that speakers actually WROTE THEIR OWN speeches! When did this change, I wonder.

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