What PC is doing to damage our youth.

The elephants of the Barnum and Baily Circus are retiring. Thanks PETA! NOT! I remember watching these animals do their (handler’s) things. They were loved (the animals…not the handlers). Kids learned to love these beasts. We cared about them. Now they will no longer be seen and appreciated in that way. Yes, elephants will still be used as draft animals in a number of countries. Cared for well. They will be slaughtered for their ivory by poachers in Africa. But, now, kids won’t get to know and love them at the circus. For the few trained elephants displayed, millions of kids will be denied knowing how wonderful these creatures can be. And understand how important it is to save them.

Again, Thanks PETA.

This adds to a long list of Liberal Progressive backfires.

Orcas are an entirely different issue because they are not endangered. People don’t kill them. As such, Marine World can do without them, even though they live longer in captivity than in the wild..   I don’t think they are needed to entertain us. Dolphins…yes. We get along well.

I am a herpetologist. I collected a Rubber Boa (Charina Bottae) in 1990. It is now 2016 and the snake is doing quite well. How long do you expect they live in the wild? In captivity, treated well, they can live more than 50 years and are great with kids. My grandson loves her and his Ball Python (python Regius), too!

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