So, kindly, old Uncle Barack has made history today by commuting the sentences of 214 federal inmates, most of whom were incarcerated for low level drug offenses. This is the largest number ever commuted in one day. In total, so far, he has commuted the sentences of more inmates than any other President since Calvin Coolidge.

Never mind that these folks were locked up according to the law. Obama feels the concept of minimum sentences is wrong and he’s more than willing to throw the legal system into the dumpster when he feels like it. And he has the legal power to do that. The money and time spent convicting and sentencing these felons are of little or no concern to him because he knows better how justice should be served.

It seems to me that if justice is to be served, Uncle Barack should be held personally and financially responsible for the behavior of these soon-to-be ex-cons in the same fashion as anyone else who would have an offender released into their custody. But only for the balance of time between their early release and when they would have served out their sentences. That’s only fair and just. However, should any one of them commit a serious or costly crime during that time, Mr. Obama should be held accountable for anything they could not have done while in prison. This should be the law!

One important point should not be overlooked. Obama is doing this solely to win votes for Aunt Hillary who, as we all know, intends to continue down the same misguided and illogical path should she be elected.


  1. Still, I feel sorry for anyone leaving prison — there is not much waiting for them on the “outside.” They become a burden on their aging parents, will find it next to impossible to find a job, and no one but their old drug buddies will want to have anything to do with them. We need to somehow rethink this whole process.

    1. I wonder what kind of re-think might be necessary.
      My main concern is the trend to continuously buy into the narrative that one is not responsible to suffer or enjoy the consequences of one’s own behaviors. Be dumb and break the law? Pay the price. Do good, smart things? Be rewarded. This ain’t rocket surgery, boys and girls.
      I agree that ex-cons have a tough row to hoe. But, wasn’t it their choice? The only other option I see is anarchy. It must have worked in prehistoric times, but I’m not too sure it would play as well today. We’ll likely find out after the election.

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