
A Walmart recently opened near my home. I don’t mind shopping there because I often can save a few bucks. There is, however, one caveat. Their selection isn’t great.

For some reason, they don’t seem to stock some of my favorite items and I don’t know why. To be fair, they actually may stock them, but I can’t seem to locate them and neither can the employees. I suppose this isn’t surprising because the folks are new and haven’t had time to be fully trained.

They do have many types of Progresso soups, but not my favorite…escarole. Nor do they seem to stock Pepsodent “diet” toothpaste or Kellogg’s “bacon flavored” eye-drops.

My wife won’t shop there at all anymore. She bought the store brand equivalent of a Playtex Living Bra and ended up chasing it around the parking lot. Animal Control subdued the thing with a tranquilizer dart which, of course,  meant the item could not be returned for a full refund. So, it plays with our dog, Murphy, in the back yard.

I’ve mentioned these issues to the manager, but have yet to see any meaningful results.

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