I would readily vote for any candidate whose platform was ” I will do all I can to abolish pointless and silly laws.”

Why should anyone be forced to pay a traffic fine when they are guilty of proceeding through a red light when no other cars are present? POINTLESS !

Why can’t you import alligator products into California? Are we afraid handbags will become an invasive species? SILLY ! Etc. , etc. and so on.

There are just too many laws disallowing us to do harmless things.

The removal of thousands of stupid, reactionary and outdated pieces of legislation would allow the citizenry to relax a bit and not feel as though we are walking on eggshells.

Let’s get back to the basics. If it doesn’t endanger someone else’s physical or financial wellbeing and is done without malice, there should be no law against it. This is called “Freedom.”

This would confuse the hell out of legislators.



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