People give up trying when they believe there is no use in putting forth more effort. This can be for myriad reasons. Some reasons are clearly justified. Other reasons might include lack of imagination, personal inability to solve the problem, disinterest, laziness.

Two of my least favorite and currently overused phrases are synonymous with “I give up.” They are, ” It is what it is.” and “We’ll just have to agree to disagree.”

Number one: Things are always what they are. What is…simply is. William Jefferson Clinton might disagree with this, but it is the simple TRUTH. The FACT is: Some things can be changed for the better (or worse) if more effort is applied. Number two: Agreements can be reached when the two opposing parties recognize the FACTS of an issue, while putting their personal TRUTHS aside. This brings us to the difference between TRUTH and FACT.

TRUTH is subjective. If a man tells you his religion is the one true religion, he is not lying (as long as he believes it to be true). If a woman tells you her child is the smartest kid on the planet, she is very likely to be telling you the TRUTH. Neither of these things are necessarily facts.

A FACT is objective and is always a fact whether anyone believes it to be true or not. This is the truth. If you don’t believe me, all I can say is: I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree. It is what it is. I give up.

And dat be da FACT, Jonathan!


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