WOULD YOU LIKE FRIES WITH THAT ? (an exercise in semi-coagulated thought).

It seems the U.S. voting public finds itself between a rock and a hard place. Only two viable choices for the Presidency.

Really???   Each, on their own,  poll as the most hated Presidential candidate in U. S. history. Add the two together and…WOW! Their negative, hateful campaigns are to blame.

If McDonalds focused its TV ads on telling viewers how horrible Burger King food is; and Burger King ran a campaign blasting McDonalds fare,  Arby’s would rule the day. After all,  they have the meat!

If you feel that voting for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton would both be bad choices on your part, I’ll remind you of what Nancy Reagan advised people to do when they were under pressure to make a bad decision. “Just say no.”

Believe it or not, that is a viable option. We, The People, can demand a do-over prior to the election (or after). The political parties don’t rule us. We are the boss. The President, like any other elected official, is just another hired hand. And we can hire whoever the hell we want.

I feel bad comparing the two candidates to hamburgers. They are nothing like hamburgers. I like hamburgers. I like McDonalds and Burger King hamburgers. I also like Arby’s. And Subway sandwiches. And KFC. And soup. But I don’t like jock itch and that is exactly what this Presidential race feels like.


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