There is the concept that too few people own the vast majority of “wealth”. Why isn’t “wealth” more evenly distributed among the population? The answer is simple. Some people are smarter and/or more intelligent than others.

  1. Education: A good education is vital, although a doctorate isn’t required to become successful. People holding college degrees are not guaranteed success. Lots of trades people are hugely successful. Inventors, entrepreneurs, entertainers, sports figures and others without sheepskins  are among the rich.
  2. Motivation: There are those who simply don’t want to put out the effort. Whether they feel as though they are doomed to failure no matter what they do (this is a well promoted message by some), or they simply feel entitled to a living (also well promoted…mostly by the “Left”), they are determined to resist being self motivated. Of course, there are also folks who are simply lazy. It is interesting how the unemployment figures never account for those who have just given up their search for gainful employment. They can do this because, as a country, we won’t let them starve. What would happen if they had to work to survive?
  3. The Working Poor: Two jobs, sometimes three jobs are not enough to keep some people out of poverty. There are reasons for this. They have no marketable skills. They have more kids than they can expect to support. They don’t know how to use money and shop poorly and/or  live above their means. They have no concept of budgeting (either time or money or both). They fall for current marketing, fads and predatory schemes (Lottery? If only they knew that every time they don’t buy a ticket, they win a dollar.).
  4. The Others: The truly disabled can’t work and, thus, are not part of this equation.

Our Current President has promoted the “welfare state” policies that have institutionalized some groups to be dependent upon government handouts for generations. This is shameful and will continue if Hillary is elected. These policies rob folks of honorable ambition and the pride and benefits that come along with good work ethics. Yet so many demand respect and claim to have great pride. For what? Respect is an earned thing. Pride is void if it is claimed vicariously.


Obama, through his executive commutations and pardons is lowering or removing the penalties for criminal activities. His party’s promotion of gun control will disarm law-abiding citizens of their abilities to protect themselves, their loved ones and their property. Whether he knows it or not, he’s trying to leave the criminals with the guns (because they won’t follow any gun control laws) and let criminals’ own law of ” Nobody is entitled to keep anything that I can steal…including lives”, rule. Obama thinks that holding criminals responsible for their misdeeds leads to what he calls “mass incarceration”. And in his twisted mind, that’s wrong.

Nowhere in the U.S. are people incarcerated en masse. Criminals are tried and convicted individually for their crimes. Even when there is more than one defendant. Large prison populations are the result of high levels of crime. Obama seems to miss this…which brings us back to the original thought that some people are smarter and/or more intelligent than others.

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