Abortion…you decide

Unborn children are hominids. Check the cells and DNA. As such, ending their lives is homicide. There are reasons for justifiable homicide. Is the inconvenience of bearing a child justifiable homicide? Maybe it would screw up vacation plans or put a wrench in hopes for college? I am not unsympathetic to a potential mother’s health. I am also not unsympathetic to the unborn child’s health. The latter seems to be overlooked by many. If you bear a child and then kill him or her, you go to jail. While the child is still in your uterus and kill him or her, you get off Scott free. Yes, I understand that the life of the prospective mother is paramount. If she will likely die carrying a child to term, that is a game changer. If she is impregnated by rape, carrying the child is continuing a violent crime. Incest is trickier. The child has an above average of suffering health issues. But is death better? Sex without consequence or responsibility is the issue. You decide…and try to live with your decision. I have a personal interest in this issue. My girlfriend got pregnant some years ago. Both she and I wanted the child. Her parents forced her to have an abortion in 1971. Note: Two years prior to Rowe vs. Wade. I still suffer from a poor choice on my part. The hurt and guilty feelings last. He or she would be 46 years old now. Sorry, nothing funny with this post. Just a catharsis.

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