I’ve been negligent in keeping up with this blog by failing to post my impressions regarding new and important issues in a timely manner. That will change right now.

Over the years, I’ve accomplished many of the goals I had set out for myself. I became an ordained minister. I’ve done things in the field of herpetology. I was a player on the team that built fighter jets for the United States Navy. I made a living as a video journalist. I’ve been an entertainer and an entrepreneur. The one thing I’ve yet to accomplish is to become a poet laureate. So here goes:

I have entitled the following poem ” Deep Thoughts”.

I keep onions on my nipples,                                                                                                                                Call me Stu,                                                                                                                                                                I keep onions on my nipples,                                                                                                                      Quite a few,                                                                                                                                                                  I have onions on my nipples,                                                                                                                          And it often gives me pimples,                                                                                                                            I keep onions on my nipples,                                                                                                                         Why don’t you?

Yeah, the fighter jets tended to fall out of the sky.

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